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I am Pam! I created this blog as my creative outlet for the times when the only way to travel was through photos and stories.
I was born, have studied and still live in Zagreb, Croatia.
I have studied Journalism and during my studies, in 2007 I started writing a Food Blog. Since 2014 though, I have been spending most of my time working on a cruise ship and soaking up the world.
On this blog, I wish to share with you some of my adventures and stories of the places, people, food and experiences that melted my heart and the photos of the most mesmerizing scenery in hopes to inspire you for an adventure as well.
Anything that I would share with my friends and family, you will hear here as well. If a recipe or two comes in between those travel stories, you will have to bear with me and my foodie soul. Traveling and food always went hand in hand to me.

Here is a little video of what I have been up to in the past few years. Enjoy!